You might have noticed that since the beginning of the year, HTTP websites now have a warning flag as not secure or even being blocked by Google Chrome.

This is in response to recent security breaches, email hackings and ransomware attacks, Google is working to make users feel more secure on the internet. And also nowadays people are more aware about keeping their data safe and they expect the websites that they visit to have taken the necessary measures to ensure the data is safe.


You might be wondering do I need a SSL Certificate on my website?

Any website that collects data from a user needs to set up an SSL. From a gym website that offers online sign up for classes to chats forums, SSL is not only for credit card security it’s to secure all data website.

When it comes to collecting customer’s information, it can be a make-or-break moment for small business if their website gets hacked. And if you have an online store where people need to enter sensitive data to finalise a purchase, websites must have HTTPS set up before being live.


But what is HTTP and HTTPS?

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It was created in 1991 and became more commonplace as a set of rules for transferring all sorts of files from sound to images and video were created.

HTTP allows the user to seamlessly view media-rich websites through standardised commands. But due to its “simplicity”, HTTP exchanges data via plain text and doesn’t prioritise how the information arrives. The ability to intercept that simple data became too easy for cyber-criminals.

On the other hand, HTTPS is the latest version of HTTP. They are basically the same but HTTPS builds on its functionality to add security to its capability and offers users peace of mind in protecting the transfer of data by encrypting them.


And what is a SSL Certificate?

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is the standard security technology. It encrypts all data from a website, ensuring information between the web server and the browser is kept private. The SSL protocol is used to secure HTTPS webpages (the extra ‘S’ meaning security).

The SSL Certificate isn’t compulsory for all published websites yet; however, its advantages include website protection from cybercriminals, encryption of all user data, higher rankings on search engine results and gaining a sense of trust from customers to feel safe in your website environment.


Why should you have a SSL Certificate on the website?

1. Encrypts sensitive information

In response to recent security breaches, email hackings and ransomware attacks, Google is working to make users feel more secure on the internet. Since last year, Google announced that it will flag all HTTP webpages on Chrome as ‘Not Secure’.

Which means all popular web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox Mozilla will push websites that don’t have an SSL/TLS Certificate installed by giving a warning message of “Not Secure” on the URL bar.

2. SSL affirms your identity

SSL Certificate provides authentication to a website when it’s installed, the website goes through a validation process set by an independent third party called a Certificate Authority (CA). Once proved the identity, the website gets trust indicators vouching for the integrity and increase the business reputation.

3. Better search engine ranking

Google recently announced SSL is a ranking signal and gives websites a ranking benefit.

 4. Improves user trust

Besides the data encryption and authentication, the green padlock seems like a security certificate for your website. It builds user’s trust and confidence while using the business website with a secure connection.

5. Protects from cybercriminals

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybersecurity damages will cost the world over $6 trillion annually by 2021. Without SSL Certificate, cybercrime will identify the weakness in your network to capture sensitive data when the information is transmitted.


Do you want to know if your website is secure? Look at the URL of your website. It it begins with “https” it means your website has SSL Certificate and it’s secure.


Wrapping up

Let’s think, how safe do you feel if the browser warned you about a website being “Not Secure”? No matter what website you have, from a blog to an online store, nowadays SSL is mandatory. And by not having on the website it may result in a loss of visitors and business credibility.

Are you ready to make you website secure? Give us a call on 9907 3136 and talk with our team to guide you through the transition.